I present you with an extremely powerful
& change activating meditation.
What if I told you that the way you LOVE yourself affects how you show up in the world, which in turn affects the level of your success and the quality of your relationships?
But FIRST, I am guessing if I ask you if you love yourself, you will say YES.
But are you really?
Let me ask you.
What are your boundaries like?
Are you overdelivering?
Can you switch it off at the end of the day?
Do you schedule “YOU” time?
Are you aware that we take care of the things we love?
And the way you LOVE yourself will affect what kind of relationships you will have with yourself and others. It will dictate the quality of your boundaries and the way you communicate with other people. It will impact your confidence to express what your needs are.
Consider this.
Once you accept yourself and love yourself the way you deserve to be loved, your life automatically changes.
Your self-esteem will soar and you will step up in all aspects of your life with self-trust, courage and unstoppable confidence.
That is why I created this mind-blowing, love-activating meditation.
"Putting a price on what Ewelina did is NOT possible, as getting one's freedom and life back is priceless. From the get-go I felt extremely comfortable in Ewelina's presence, never felt judged and she made it very easy for me to open up".
M. Robson

My name is Ewelina Szczeblewska. Certified Hypnotherapist & Transformational Coach.
I present you with an extremely powerful recording called SELF-LOVE ACTIVATION, which will help you transform your self-image, release trapped emotions, beliefs & fears that stops you from expressing LOVE towards yourself.
There is no netter time than NOW.