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Everything you’ve ever wanted is sitting on the other side of fear.

George Addair 

Of Fear to shift your perspective.

With feeling enough & self-worth.

Your interpretations to support your goals.

Are you aware of the Barriers to Confidence?

  • Negative self-talk is your inner critic undermining your confidence.

  • You sabotage your progress, the ability to speak up & show up fully as you are because you fear the judgment of others.

  • Overthinking every decision, and doubting yourself at every turn causes you to spin in circles.

  • Confused why things are not improving with your hard work.

  • Working yourself to another burnout leaves you drained and frustrated.

  • Imposter Syndrome leaves you feeling like a fraud & overworked.


We believe you deserve an abundant life/career filled with ease, fun, joy & success.

Conquer your Confidence.
We help you lay the foundations for an abundant life, successful career
& life filled with joy, happiness and

Grow Your Vision

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3 Easy Steps To

An Unstoppable life/career with ease

Schedule A Call.

Tell us exactly what is the presenting problem or issue that you've been struggling with.

Do The Transformational Work.

Transformation is an inside job that requires courage & commitment. Align your beliefs, stories and habits to match your desires.

Create your desired life/career

Become the CEO of your life/career.

Gain Freedom With Transformational Work That Gives You The Tools You Need To Succeed.

We learned the hard way what works and what doesn't. That way you don't have to continue to struggle in the dark. Our knowledge is your roadmap to a happy, successful and filled with joy and courage life/career.

  • Master your Confidence.

  • Professional, highly personalized approach.

  • Gain a mentor that is on your side.
  • Create a clear vision for the future.
  • Reclaim who you truly are.
Image by Content Pixie

Say YES to Yourself.

It is hard to watch other people having their life together. They seem to have successful businesses, and great relationships & hitting their income goals time and time again.
At the same, you are wondering how the hell are they doing this as you are struggling to hit even the smallest of goals. You are working your butt off, struggling to keep burnout at bay, yet the results are not there.


Feeling out of alignment with yourself may feel like:

  • Procrastinate & leave everything to the very last minute.

  • Feel Anxious.

  • Binge-watch Netflix when you had planned to work on your biz.

  • Waste your time perfecting your work.

  • Overthink, second guess your decisions & worry about everything.

  • Fear of judgment stops you from showing up as YOU in your business or career.

  • Overanalyse and what-if your problems in search of a solution.

  • Undercharge & accept less-than-ideal clients.

  • Don't want to do live videos.

  • Feeling like a fraud.

  • Engage in negative, repetitive and destructive self-talk that keeps you in the never-ending loop of "I can't seem to get ahead".

  • Do not show up consistently in your career/life/business.

  • Relieve the same patterns over & over ...

Introducing ...

Conquer your CONFIDENCE


Turn self-doubt, procrastination & self-sabotage into MAGNETIC & Unstoppable Confidence.

Create a dream life & biz by reaching your FULL POTENTIAL.

Imagine, reaching the below in as little as 14 weeks ...

  • Gain clarity on what exactly you want in life, business & relationships. And create a clear strategy for the future.

  • Creating the extraordinary life that you desire. According to your rules. 


  • You wake up at least five times a week in harmony with yourself, happy and joyful. In gratitude for what you have.


  • Trusting and listening to your intuition, guiding you along the way, accepting only the opportunities right for you. ​


  • You make yourself non-negotiable and that may look like, feel like, and sound like having clear boundaries around your free time when your needs are the priority.

  • Feeling confident in your skills and abilities without any more courses that you do not need.


  • Feeling in tune, in alignment with yourself and your business/career. Deeply understand yourself, your needs, and your desires. Treat yourself with respect and kindness. As we take care of the "things" that we love.


  • Standing in your Personal power. Courageously embodying WHO you are. Unappogenetically and consistently, with clearly defined values.


  • Having the confidence to show up unapologetically, true to yourself, attracting only the right kind of growth opportunities.


  • Getting paid your worth, as your self-worth & self-esteem will increase, leading to more money for that expensive trip you keep talking about.


What is included.

  • Before we even start you will receive a detailed form so that I can understand in depth where you are and where you would like to be

  • We start with 1-hour in-depth Intro coaching session to map out the transformation that you are seeking / 1hr

  • You will receive MIND RELAXATION audio

  • 3 x RTT/ Hypnotic session - 2 hrs in-depth session to find the root cause of your issues

3 hypnotic sessions

During the mapping process, we decided what is the best course of action for YOU.

  • 6 x 1-hour x Coaching Calls

  • 3 x Phenomenal, custom-created post-session hypnotic recording to rewire redundant beliefs and to solidify new ones. It is absolutely vital that you listen to this recording at least once. Preferably twice a day.

After each session, you will receive custom-created audio.

  • email/ WhatsApp Support

Clients Wins

Lindsay White, Canada

Amanda, Denmark
Procrastination, Self-sabotage

"I was really lucky to spend some time with Ewelina doing some hypnosis which I find incredibly valuable.  What I experienced was revolutionary for me. It absolutely made the difference."

"Ewelina was able to see the bigger picture and connect the dots during the first call we had. She quickly pint pointed what the root cause of my issue was."

Shiwa, Hawaii
Procrastination, Self-sabotage,
Avoiding facing problems

"Ewelina is very easy to talk to. I went from procrastinating to actively taking action. I'm less concern what people think about me. Changes are nice. Some are instant and some are more gradual. Changes are lasting."


What will have to happen for you to say enough is enough? How long are you willing to tolerate putting your health and happiness last?
When are you going to take full responsibility for your life and make yourself a priority?
Have you considered what is the cost of you not honouring your needs and desires?

Because, lack of self-trust, low confidence, overthinking, sabotaging behaviour, and feeling not good enough are not sexy.

I am here to help you, to be the guide I wish I had. I am here to be your sounding board and to call you out. You deserve to have someone on your side. I haven't changed my life & business on my own. It was only when I asked for help and guidance that things shifted for me.

If you are ready to strip down the STORIES that are holding you back. If you are ready to shift your perspective and transform from the inside out ...

It is time to start working together.

Justyna, Canada - Self-Sabotage, Success Block

I would like to recommend Ewelina from the bottom of my heart. Her amazing intuition and empathy take the RTT session to absolutely the next level. If you are looking for someone who will give you instant results and gentle care and support along with all transformation processes you find the perfect therapist.

I contact Evelina, because of my business block. I couldn’t attract any new clients. (...)

Before the RTT session, I felt lost and frustrated. I couldn't move on with my business. I was hopeless and tired of tiring ineffective methods to solve my problem.

Thanks to the outstanding skills and talents of Ewelina she was able to easily help me solve my problem and release my blocks. Also, I start to accept my skills and gifts. I got a deep understanding of myself and a deep acceptance of my life purpose.

She gave me an amazing life-changing RTT session that helped me understand the root of my issues and also transformed my old beliefs into new, supporting ones. Also, after sessions, I was supported and guided by Ewelina. I felt all the time surrounded by her care and empathy.

Just after the session first new client booked an appointment with me! That was amazing! Instant results! Then I start to notice gentle changes in the way how I perceive myself and my work. After a few weeks, a huge acceptance and understanding of myself came. Also, my business starts to grow.

Prepper yourself for a life-changing experience!

Conquer your CONFIDENCE

The Magnetic Confidence Method is a three-month process, where I help you & guide you to create the extraordinary life, business or career you desire.

There are three key pillars:




The key to your transformation is finding the root cause of what is going on in your life.

Only when we shine a light on what is hiding in the shadows you can heal and move on.

You need to SHED the identities that you took on but are not you anymore or never were. That way, you can remember who you really are. Recover your authentic self.
That allows you to create what you desire in a way, that nothing else does.

During our time together, we address your beliefs, habits, and values.
All this work is absolutely necessary to build solid foundations for you to reclaim your PERSONAL POWER. To be happy, joyful, successful and at peace no matter what is going on in your life & business (CLARITY & IDENTITY pillar).


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However, you also need to know what you really want & desire. We can’t create or achieve our dreams when we are flaky about what we want.We dig deep into creating your vision for the future (VISION & STRATEGY pillar).

Taking care of yourself is a vital piece of the puzzle. In order to fully embrace who you really are and create your extraordinary life. To create the business and invite the abundance you desire you need to look after your body and mind. Listen to your intuition. 

So the final pillar is BREATH & AWARENESS. It focuses on putting all three pillars together while embracing all the invisible but absolutely necessary elements. They are balancing your feminine and masculine energy. It introduces practising silence, self-awareness and mindfulness while building up your emotional resilience. Nourishing your body with water, healthy food, and reconnecting with nature are part of this process.


They will be asking what have you been up to because there is something different about YOU. They will want what you have in a good way. They won't know why they are drawn to you, but you will.

You’ve reclaimed your personal power.

That is why you need all three pillars. And I guarantee you that if you have any of those problems that I just explained above... You are missing elements from one or more of those pillars.

Dionne, England- Money Block & Receiving Block

Ewelina has the perfect balance between leading with compassion, nurture and direction.

I experienced just one RTT session with her following an intro call and I have already seen many positive results in my life.

I cleared personal blocks I was silently challenged with for years and am seeing myself show up daily with higher levels of self-care, self-love and confidence in attracting the resources I desire.

It's past the 21 days that I needed to listen to the recording that followed my session but it's so rich and good that I actually listen to it still every other day before sleep or when I wake up.

I would definitely recommend working with Ewelina especially if you are a person of talent and skill but for some reason are not drawing in the income you know you are capable of.

I will certainly consider working with her in future.

thank you so so much have literally changed my life.

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